edit "; } $imageinfo = GetImageSize('D70_4157.jpg'); $x=$imageinfo[0]; $y=$imageinfo[1]; $x2 = ceil($x / 2); $prevlink = 'http://www.objective-view.de/archives/000193.html'; $prevname = '3.8 km'; $nextlink = 'http://www.objective-view.de/archives/000195.html'; $nextname = 'Solarer Berg'; $map = ''."\n"; if (!empty($nextlink)) { $map .= "\n"; $map .= "\n"; } else { $map .= "\n"; } $map .= ''; ?> objective-view | 21. Juli 2004 | 180 km
180 km

« | 21. Juli 2004 | 180 km »


Danach so schnell wie möglich auf's Rad -- die Schuhe sind schon an den Pedalen befestigt.
After that as fast as possible on the bike -- the shoes are already snapped to the pedal.

Ironman Triathlon Roth